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Taino |
Preferred term for the Amerindian people probably of Orinoco origin who dominated the Greater Antilies at the start of European colonization.
Taller de Grafica Popular |
A graphic arts workshop founded in Mexico City in 1937 by Mexican printmakers Leopoldo Méndez, Pablo OíHiggins and Luis Arenal. Part of the inputus was the dissolution of the plastic arts section of the Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios (LEAR), which had operated from 1934. Most members, members of the Communist Party took a resolutely political stance and worked as a collective. Their most important publications included Estampas de la Revolución mexicana, Juan de la Cabadaís Incidentes melodicos mundo irracional (1946), illustrated by Méndez.
Taller Torres Garcia |
Founded in Montevideo, Uruguay by Joaquín Torres Garcia in 1944. The group members were his sons Augusto Torres (1913-92) and Horacio Torres (1924-76), along with Julio Alpuy (b. 1919), José Gurvich (1924-74), Francisco Matto (1911-95), Gonzalo Fonseca (1922-97), and Manuel Pailos (b. 1918). Guided by Torres Garcia, more in terms of ideas than technique, they were instrumental in establishing Constructivism, abstract art and Modernism in Uruguay.
Tempera |
Traditionally, tempera is made with whole eggs or egg- yolk, various kinds of glue or gum. An emulsion used is a medium for pigment. The medium is used for bon fresco and panel paintings.
Texture |
An element of art which refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. Textures may be actual or simulated. Actual textures can be felt with the fingers, while simulated textures are suggested by the way the artist has painted certain areas of a picture.
Throwing |
In pottery, throwing means making a pot from a piece of clay on a potter's wheel.
Trompe loeil |
A French term literally meaning "trick the eye." Sometimes called illusionism, it's a style of painting which gives the appearance of three-dimensional, photographic realism.