Ala Plástica (La Plata, Argentina) In 1995, with Junco/Especies Emergentes [The Reed/Emergent Species] Ala Plástica, begins to articulate various visions of the region by creating communication and cooperation platforms side by side with communities along the Estuary of the La Plata River. By defying the "techno-political" mode of thinking of the governmental and corporate agencies they are able to explore new and creative ways of developing and applying socio-environmental profiles for the La Plata River and its coastal development. After a 1999 oil spill in the La Plata River, they brought together a research team made up of active citizens in order to weigh the impact, offer participative diagnoses, and determine courses of action. Through the Council of the Arts of Northern Ireland’s International Artist Residency Award they have been carrying forth an artistic, communitarian and research project for the regional development of the Ards Peninsula south of Belfast. In 2004, through the Galerie für Landschaftkunst and the Department of Cultural Affairs of Hamburg, they have been involved in joint research and a communications platform around Wandse River sustainability issues. This being one example of their bioregional initiatives and exchanges. Jennifer Flores Sternad interviews Ala Plástica members Alejandro Meitin and Silvina Babich in La Plata, and discusses the organization’s collaboration policy, its tools, work prospects and ongoing projects. WWW.ALAPLASTICA.ORG.AR