Museo de las Artes, Universidad de Guadalajara,
Jan 31, 2002 - Mar 31, 2002
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Aesthetic Dissolution? The unique case of the çWe are Oneç duo, where the sum of two thinking brains is greater than one bleeding heart
by Felipe Ehrenberg
At this time visual art is trapped in the claws of a savage market sequestered by speculators. But the Kingdom of Imagery rules the entire world. We are in touch with movies, TV and the cyber universe thanks to monitor screens which, we should not forget, are made out of glass. The vitreous successes of the De La Torre brothers have a long pedigree that goes back to Byzantium to Duchamp to Tlaquepaque, the monitor and on from there. Relentless seekers of anything imaginary, Jamex and Einar join usefulness to bring coherence to a greater proposal, a true contribution to our marvelous and increasingly more labyrinth-like imagination.
Do your job and deliberate, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Dare to challenge the reticence of private games. Let us rescue the right to think with our fingertips. Let us follow the indications that this pair of recyclers offer us and let visual art recover its place in our lives.
- Neologist Felipe Ehrenberg,
Brazil, December 2001
(1) Clement Greenberg. "Avant-garde and kitsch," Partisan Review, Fall 1939.
(2) Susan Sontag, "Notes on Camp," Partisan Review, Fall 1964.
* This text was reproduced from the exhibition catalogue with permission from the Museo de las Artes, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.